
25 hours of rare Spiritual Film

Get the bundle of all of John David’s Interviews for just 75€!
Krishna Das, John David, Gangaji, Michael Barnett, Andrew Cohen, Mooji, Om C. Parkin, Francis Lucille, Tony Parsons, Christopher Titmuss, Radha Ma, Ganesan, Ajja, Kiran, Swami Dayananda, Swamini Pramananda.

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Meetings with Great Spiritual Masters

25 hours of rare Spiritual Film

After his successful series „Blueprints for Awakening“ Indian Masters and European Masters, John David again brought out with his book “Meetings with Remarkable People” an amazing compilation of contemporary spiritual teachings which are digestible for a wide audience.

In this bundle you get the whole variety of Spiritual Masters from different backgrounds and their teachings.



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