In the Service of Sri Bhagavan

In this book, Smt. Mangalam, the granddaughter of Swami Niranjanananda, tells the life stories of her grandfather and her grand grand father T.N. Venkataraman (later Swami Ramananda), brother and nephew of Shri Ramana Maharshi and both in service of the great saint for their whole lifes.


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Niranjanananda Swami

In this book, Smt. Mangalam, the granddaughter of Swami Niranjanananda, tells the life stories of her grandfather and her grand grand father T.N. Venkataraman (later Swami Ramananda), brother and nephew of Shri Ramana Maharshi and both in service of the great saint for their whole lifes.
A lovely little book containing lots of details about family life in the Shri Ramana Ashram. There is no doubt that Shri Ramana had a special connection to his mother, and he also showed a particular interest in the affairs of his brother’s family. His brother, Swami Niranjanananda, laid the firm foundation of shri Ramana Ashram and built it up and his son T.N. Vankataraman, as its president, followed up on this success.

Weight 0,15 g

Niranjanananda Swami


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