Osho – Zorba the Buddha

Up until now, humanity has been schizophrenic – because you have been told to repress, to reject, to deny, many parts of your natural being.
My message to humanity is: create a new man – unsplit, integrated, whole.

“I teach a great meeting: the meeting of Zorba and Buddha. I teach Zorba The Buddha – a new synthesis.
The meeting of the earth and the sky, the meeting of the visible and the invisible, the meeting of all the polarities
– of man and woman, of day and night, of summer and winter, of sex and samadhi.

Only in that meeting will a new man arrive on the earth.

– Osho


Publisher ‏ : ‎ Niyogi Books (16 Sept. 2013)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 184 pages

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9381523599


Zorba is not separate from Buddha. The West is not separate from the East.
In fact, any materialism that has no values of spirituality is going to be very mundane, profane, ugly.
It will not have any flights into the open sky towards the stars.
It will not flower and release its fragrance; it will be just a rock.

Spiritualism without materialism may have beautiful values but it is without foundations.
It may create great palaces reaching to the stars, but without foundations these palaces can only be Illucinations, they cannot be real.


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