The Odyssey of Enlightenment

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This book chronicles one man’s burning quest, as he searches for—and tirelessly questions—a total of twelve spiritual teachers who are widely recognized as enlightened. Spurred on by a passionate yearning for truth, Thompson’s odyssey takes him to remote parts of India where he engages in dialogues of a quality and depth rarely found in the annals of religion.


Доступно только на английском языке!

This book chronicles one man’s burning quest, as he searches for—and tirelessly questions—a total of twelve spiritual teachers who are widely recognized as enlightened. Spurred on by a passionate yearning for truth, Thompson’s odyssey takes him to remote parts of India where he engages in dialogues of a quality and depth rarely found in the annals of religion.

Вес 0,5 г

Berthold Madhukar Thompson


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